A full album of eight full carols (in each one I sing ALL the verses). So (even if it's at the last minute) -- Merry Christmas, everybody! No matter what is going on around you ...
Friday, December 25, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Something to help make your Christmas season a lot more merry no matter what is going on around you. Sixty Videos ready to go. Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season from me, Paul Hall of paulhallart ...
To Defend a Flag?
the cheering crowd don’t realize they traded
the stars and stripes in long ago for a skull and crossbones on a field of
A few years ago, I saw flying from a rich man's
beach house a rag with a semblance of the red, white and blue. It was all in tatters
and bleached by the sun though it never saw battle nor report from a gun --
just neglect and facade from a sunshine patriot whose money bags and fancy cars
made him turn his back on the sick and the poor.
I drove just shy of the George Washington
Bridge and stuck in rush hour saw another rag lying in the gutter from a
"patriot" too simple-minded to know you can't put your flag on antennas
for long on the 100 mph scofflaw turnpike on the way to Wall Street.
And at the mart, between cleaning toilets and
snagging carts, I saw a flag for patriots to buy at discount price, the Stars
& Stripes made in China (a communist land).
Long ago, as a member of the Children of the
American Revolution, I attended our class on how to care for the American Flag:
When it gets too old and sun-bleached and torn, you take it with respect, after
you replaced it with a brand new one, and the old worn-out flag is actually,
yes, burned in a little ceremony.
Oh yeah, and just one other thing: when I got
out of the army back in 1969, with my 3 years done and an honorable discharge,
I went to college only to find that some Republicans had taken away most of my
G.I. bill. A bit later I saw one of those politicians on the news with a
plastic Old Glory on his fancy rich lapel.
So, you see, folks, as I travel this land of
ours, and see the luxury housing made of chipboard going up that no one can
afford on farm land that now can never be restored and the freedoms and the square
deal taken silently away from the citizens that should mean more to us than a
mere symbolic flag, I grieve when I see you have nothing left but brag - hiding
your real emblem, the Jolly Roger banner of money.
The piece of cloth I used to fold in the
triangle shape or stop and salute both in uniform and across-the-heart as a
civilian when run up at dawn or taken down at sunset so long ago, has become
sadly another symbol for me now. It has come to symbolize a gimmick for politicians
and businessmen just to score a vote or a promissory note - and an emblem of
Is there ever a chance it could yet become a
true designate; the banner under which my relatives fought ever since the
Revolutionary War? One that truly
provides liberty and justice for all – not just for those with the means to
afford the best lawyers money can buy?
Unlike my grandfather who was an officer in two world wars, a prosecutor
at the Nuremburg Trials and practiced law for free during The Great Depression,
while my other grandfather in the clutches of poverty, took molten steel in his
shoe from a tycoon’s mill in New England before one brave president stood up to
the powerful monopolies for one brief moment of history …
My banner is new, of state-of-the-art, a weave
that is clear, absent of any color, it is perfectly transparent. IT IS THE FLAG OF TRANSPARENCY, without
country or boundary. And it is
NECESSARILY the only banner of the truly free and the genuinely, out of
necessity if nothing else, brave – of those few good men and women anywhere who
have their rights in spite of politics and not because of it …
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Winter Bird over Snow Melody by Paul Hall on the Native American flute
at a time when life is hard, this bird gliding over snows can cheer us up. Native American Flute by Paul Hall.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
1,464 paulhallart Videos by Paul A. L. Hall
All the paulhallart videos until now (November of 2015), originals, blogs, and covers by me, Paul A. L. Hall -- 7 years of Youtube uploads -- all on one continuous playlist. One thousand, four hundred and sixty-four so far -- vocals, spoken word, guitar, harmonica, Pan Pipe, Native American Flute, piano, keyboard, and a couple where I use my hands as a musical instrument. Several on location in places such as the White Pass in Alaska and so on. Slideshows feature my photography and paintings ...
Friday, November 6, 2015
Art by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
The art of Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on Youtube and Hi Paulhallart on Facebook. My struggle to depict and discover on the painted canvas and sketch pad over time battling poverty, rejection, unpopularity. The slide shows are accompanied by my own original songs and also covers ...
Monday, September 14, 2015
Art by Paul Hall of paulhallart
Some of my early paintings & drawings from the 1960's & 1970's & a song of mine about the highlands of Scotland where I once lived in a croft.
It was at Duckgarret in Blackfold just over the hills from Loch Ness. It was there I really began to write poetry and songs. It has a lot to do with the powerful and incessant wind which I found extremely comforting.
William of Orange drove the Scots into such highland refugees as Duckagaret, where many a family had to eek out a meagre existence until finally the great worldwide depression drove most to the big cities, principally Glasgow and London.
In the visual section, I've put up examples of my artwork, mostly my early stuff, when I actually had a chance to paint.
It was at Duckgarret in Blackfold just over the hills from Loch Ness. It was there I really began to write poetry and songs. It has a lot to do with the powerful and incessant wind which I found extremely comforting.
William of Orange drove the Scots into such highland refugees as Duckagaret, where many a family had to eek out a meagre existence until finally the great worldwide depression drove most to the big cities, principally Glasgow and London.
In the visual section, I've put up examples of my artwork, mostly my early stuff, when I actually had a chance to paint.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Man Not Capable of 21st Century
Copyright (c) 2005 by Paul A. L. Hall.
Well, well. I've had a look at your developing and developed nations -- about 17 of them. Basically, you're not capable of the civilization you're attempting to build.
But here we go anyway. As they say, time and tide wait for no man. Oh, well, better wait than never, but in this case, you'll have to settle for never. It's like the man that had more food in his mouth after he sneezed, he had bitten off more than he could achoo.
Humankind is like a tide, it ebbs and it flows. It goes in fits and starts; it trembles upon a new echelon, only to falter at the last minute and crumple up into lethargy. Does that disappoint you, Bunkie? I'm sorry kid, I know you wanted to wave the flag and feel good about your planet, that the industrialists will triumph or the greenies will win -- or somehow your special little cooperative effort will save the world.
Sometimes, you know, it's better not to set for your peers too high or lofty a goal. Most of these guys are going to sell out and settle for business as usual; a mundane and meaningless life; happily ever after till death do they part with the only significance and meaning they play merely a figment of their own imaginations -- a self-imagined delusion of greatness; a sense of self-importance that can only be fueled by the destruction around them of those who are truly important or could have ever done anything significant.
It is a ship of fools fooling themselves into an imagined greatness like a bunch of prisoners locked up for long periods of time who have established their own pecking order: the forgers and kingpins at the top and the petty criminals at the bottom and the child molesters dead. It's as I wrote in my poem, "Poverty Protects the Slender Hope": "The delicacy and the art of cunning craftiness engendered false dependence, and left all men bereft of anything of value, and in mediocrity that which was significant was stolen by the thief."
It's often characteristic of those who stand out amongst all the rest, to think too highly of the others and waste their positions of importance trying to improve the lot of all the rest around them, failing to realize that most people don't want to be improved. Oh, they'll get your computer, they'll try out your TV, they'll buy the latest cars or try out your innovations or gadgets or whatever else you want to place before them. But don't expect them to go anywhere with it.
In fact, one way of determining what sort of gadget the public will buy is that if it's something that merely makes their lives more convenient and allows them to enjoy their mundane existences more thoroughly and more pleasantly. I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but let's face it, folks, you're never really going to anything done unless you get your priorities right.
You have to set varying goals for a variegated society; a society, no matter where, that is peppered with all sorts, those who enjoy thinking, those who actually can do something in spite of all odds, and those who just don't care. And the majority, those who don't care, who have brilliant minds as all people do, use only a part of their brains that is about the size of a garden pea -- hence the term pea brain. Never intended to be an insult, it is a statement of reality; of where most people want to be.
It reminds me of Lyndon Johnson's concept of the Great Society. It never happened. Do you realize what would happen if only one human being out there actually used a reasonable amount of his or her brain? It's easily done. All the person really has to do is become a part of the actual cosmos; to begin to treat the stars and the environment and the living beings therein as teachers and begin to absorb some of the things communicated to him or her, without placing preconditions on the input or acting prejudicially against acquiring any information that doesn't meet with his or her stilted preconditions of what they will accept.
But here's the rub. If you get that far, it would only be for you yourself. When people get to that kind of savvy, they might capiche but they would invariably, and each turn of the way, find themselves totally unable to share that with anyone else. When people get that far, it's an individual thing. Everyone else could and probably would be totally oblivious that someone in their midst got that far. I think maybe quite a few Native Americans managed to get there, maybe some of the Mongolians, maybe someone out on the Alps or in the peninsula of Norway or in prehistoric Australia (hey, that could have been up to 20 years ago).
What about you? I'm not talking about religious stuff here, I'm talking about the basic physiology of the actual human brain. It's a co-relative thing, a correlation of reality; the human brain is a part of reality. Oh, I know some of you pea-brains out there have come up with the science-fiction, which you conveniently call science theories, that the human brain caused its own existence. That's exactly what makes a pea brain: the snobbishness it takes to be so exclusive as to shut out the real input of the real world around a person, dooming that person to intellectual incapability. Oh, that's okay with them, they can always fool everybody around them into thinking they're really something. Just as long as they destroy everybody who actually is really something.
All brains everywhere, from the lowest coelentera to the human being, all have one common thing in common: the Gray Matter, brains. Where one brain starts and another one stops is a fuzzy line I'm telling you. It's a fuzzy line, not a stilted, snobbish demarcation set by those who imagine themselves to be superior. There may not be demarcations; the concept of genus and species may be false.
Everything with a brain may actually be in the same genus; it may even go so far as you could have more in common with a butterfly or bird than a fellow human being with a stilted academic mentality, or another fellow human being with a criminal mentality. A person's brain beyond the "pea" may be totally dependent on how much a part of reality that person really is. It may be that a person's negative attitude actually "locks them in" to the pea.
A wild dog in Australia, alone and excluded from any pack, may end up using more of his or her brain than a human being on drugs in some slum somewhere stoned out of their mind and never using, to any extent, that mind ever more; looking only for the feel-good stimulus. A cougar with a 6-inch paw print lurking undetected around the Ronald Reagan Center in California, spying from it's cover upon all the visitors coming and going, may end up using more of his or her brain than a human graduate student in UCLA, buying a degree for the sole purpose of earning more than 100,000 a year to keep him or herself above the poverty line.
The brain is capable of astounding things. A lot of things we just don't know that the brain is capable of are not known because nobody's gotten that far -- the human societies over the ages have locked everyone into the proverbial pea. And something worse that also keeps societies under wraps, the types that organize themselves that don't want any individuals because that would threaten their power base. They also have their techniques, including such things as hypnotism and destabilization, to keep the peoples in the pea. Those types are easy to recognize because of their lack of creativity or originality, as well as their extreme incompetence.
But it certainly is possible for anyone at any time to simply step out from those boundaries. Folks, I don't have the instant formula here. I'm just saying it can be done. What it takes to get that far is open to further discovery. But it takes somewhat of a departure from the norm; a willingness to be unpopular and to avoid the destruction and character assassination of those in the crowd.
I went to the school in the island of time in the class where I learned to read the rocks and the animals and the stars in the skies, and life's strange mysteries. It's a tiny little island in forever. Call it "time". You read the books so written in the stars and in the life; success and also failures of all the struggles there and how you too must struggle in order to prepare.
Well, well. I've had a look at your developing and developed nations -- about 17 of them. Basically, you're not capable of the civilization you're attempting to build.
But here we go anyway. As they say, time and tide wait for no man. Oh, well, better wait than never, but in this case, you'll have to settle for never. It's like the man that had more food in his mouth after he sneezed, he had bitten off more than he could achoo.
Humankind is like a tide, it ebbs and it flows. It goes in fits and starts; it trembles upon a new echelon, only to falter at the last minute and crumple up into lethargy. Does that disappoint you, Bunkie? I'm sorry kid, I know you wanted to wave the flag and feel good about your planet, that the industrialists will triumph or the greenies will win -- or somehow your special little cooperative effort will save the world.
Sometimes, you know, it's better not to set for your peers too high or lofty a goal. Most of these guys are going to sell out and settle for business as usual; a mundane and meaningless life; happily ever after till death do they part with the only significance and meaning they play merely a figment of their own imaginations -- a self-imagined delusion of greatness; a sense of self-importance that can only be fueled by the destruction around them of those who are truly important or could have ever done anything significant.
It is a ship of fools fooling themselves into an imagined greatness like a bunch of prisoners locked up for long periods of time who have established their own pecking order: the forgers and kingpins at the top and the petty criminals at the bottom and the child molesters dead. It's as I wrote in my poem, "Poverty Protects the Slender Hope": "The delicacy and the art of cunning craftiness engendered false dependence, and left all men bereft of anything of value, and in mediocrity that which was significant was stolen by the thief."
It's often characteristic of those who stand out amongst all the rest, to think too highly of the others and waste their positions of importance trying to improve the lot of all the rest around them, failing to realize that most people don't want to be improved. Oh, they'll get your computer, they'll try out your TV, they'll buy the latest cars or try out your innovations or gadgets or whatever else you want to place before them. But don't expect them to go anywhere with it.
In fact, one way of determining what sort of gadget the public will buy is that if it's something that merely makes their lives more convenient and allows them to enjoy their mundane existences more thoroughly and more pleasantly. I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but let's face it, folks, you're never really going to anything done unless you get your priorities right.
You have to set varying goals for a variegated society; a society, no matter where, that is peppered with all sorts, those who enjoy thinking, those who actually can do something in spite of all odds, and those who just don't care. And the majority, those who don't care, who have brilliant minds as all people do, use only a part of their brains that is about the size of a garden pea -- hence the term pea brain. Never intended to be an insult, it is a statement of reality; of where most people want to be.
It reminds me of Lyndon Johnson's concept of the Great Society. It never happened. Do you realize what would happen if only one human being out there actually used a reasonable amount of his or her brain? It's easily done. All the person really has to do is become a part of the actual cosmos; to begin to treat the stars and the environment and the living beings therein as teachers and begin to absorb some of the things communicated to him or her, without placing preconditions on the input or acting prejudicially against acquiring any information that doesn't meet with his or her stilted preconditions of what they will accept.
But here's the rub. If you get that far, it would only be for you yourself. When people get to that kind of savvy, they might capiche but they would invariably, and each turn of the way, find themselves totally unable to share that with anyone else. When people get that far, it's an individual thing. Everyone else could and probably would be totally oblivious that someone in their midst got that far. I think maybe quite a few Native Americans managed to get there, maybe some of the Mongolians, maybe someone out on the Alps or in the peninsula of Norway or in prehistoric Australia (hey, that could have been up to 20 years ago).
What about you? I'm not talking about religious stuff here, I'm talking about the basic physiology of the actual human brain. It's a co-relative thing, a correlation of reality; the human brain is a part of reality. Oh, I know some of you pea-brains out there have come up with the science-fiction, which you conveniently call science theories, that the human brain caused its own existence. That's exactly what makes a pea brain: the snobbishness it takes to be so exclusive as to shut out the real input of the real world around a person, dooming that person to intellectual incapability. Oh, that's okay with them, they can always fool everybody around them into thinking they're really something. Just as long as they destroy everybody who actually is really something.
All brains everywhere, from the lowest coelentera to the human being, all have one common thing in common: the Gray Matter, brains. Where one brain starts and another one stops is a fuzzy line I'm telling you. It's a fuzzy line, not a stilted, snobbish demarcation set by those who imagine themselves to be superior. There may not be demarcations; the concept of genus and species may be false.
Everything with a brain may actually be in the same genus; it may even go so far as you could have more in common with a butterfly or bird than a fellow human being with a stilted academic mentality, or another fellow human being with a criminal mentality. A person's brain beyond the "pea" may be totally dependent on how much a part of reality that person really is. It may be that a person's negative attitude actually "locks them in" to the pea.
A wild dog in Australia, alone and excluded from any pack, may end up using more of his or her brain than a human being on drugs in some slum somewhere stoned out of their mind and never using, to any extent, that mind ever more; looking only for the feel-good stimulus. A cougar with a 6-inch paw print lurking undetected around the Ronald Reagan Center in California, spying from it's cover upon all the visitors coming and going, may end up using more of his or her brain than a human graduate student in UCLA, buying a degree for the sole purpose of earning more than 100,000 a year to keep him or herself above the poverty line.
The brain is capable of astounding things. A lot of things we just don't know that the brain is capable of are not known because nobody's gotten that far -- the human societies over the ages have locked everyone into the proverbial pea. And something worse that also keeps societies under wraps, the types that organize themselves that don't want any individuals because that would threaten their power base. They also have their techniques, including such things as hypnotism and destabilization, to keep the peoples in the pea. Those types are easy to recognize because of their lack of creativity or originality, as well as their extreme incompetence.
But it certainly is possible for anyone at any time to simply step out from those boundaries. Folks, I don't have the instant formula here. I'm just saying it can be done. What it takes to get that far is open to further discovery. But it takes somewhat of a departure from the norm; a willingness to be unpopular and to avoid the destruction and character assassination of those in the crowd.
I went to the school in the island of time in the class where I learned to read the rocks and the animals and the stars in the skies, and life's strange mysteries. It's a tiny little island in forever. Call it "time". You read the books so written in the stars and in the life; success and also failures of all the struggles there and how you too must struggle in order to prepare.
Developing Nations Discover America's Secret Plastic World
by Paul A. L. Hall.
There's a problem with being the fustest with the mostest. Eventually the real players pass you and you get, as the track-and-field term goes, lapped.
America the land of the flim-flam, the illusionist, the prestidigitator and the Yankee peddler. Well, your little plastic world had 'em fooled for the better part of a century and now it's their turn. For decades you've been unwisely using the originators of gunpowder and producers of some of the world's greatest antiquities for cheap labor. Well, they caught on, in case you haven't been keeping up on your current events. But those guys have potential. When they go to space they're the type to be mining the asteroid belt while you're still tripped off on saga movies.
Now, what's the better thing to be? What's the opposite of the cheap, shallow, meaningless existence. Among other things, a bit of real civilization would be nice. A world in which whole forests remain intact instead of becoming peddler's mediocrity stuffing your mail box. A pet peeve? Maybe. Let's look at something more pertinent:
We now have a sort of throw-away society. This implies a temporary existence in which one camps out, as it were to get something more substantial under way. But it has become permanent in contemporary society. A sort of picnic lifestyle generating garbage mountains.
The point is, if you want to continue to live that way, don't expect to be a world class power. Because that's a life-style anyone can emulate and eventually others will catch on and not only equal you but, and justifiably I might add, best you. I mean, you want to be a world power with nothing more than a pathetic pop culture and a few trinkets? Listen, there's only one place for a cheap shot like that: oblivion. They will not just "bury you", as Khrushchev warned, they'll simply forget you. You'll be recorded in history as an also-ran. A "what-not-to-be".
The problem with this lifestyle of plastics and cheap housing made of pressboard stuck together like a Hollywood prop is that it's not unique. It's not creative. There's no real personality to it, no innovation, no greatness. Anyone in the world can imitate it. There's nothing to it. No substance.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Deep Bass Harmonica 1
Deep Bass Harmonica 1 & 2 -- double full album edition. By me, Paul A. L. Hall, with my original digital art from my photography taken in Skagway, Alaska and Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Extreme low notes on harmonica. Deep Bass (full album). Get ready -- a new experience (for a change) ...
Extreme low notes on harmonica. Deep Bass (full album). Get ready -- a new experience (for a change) ...
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The Cry of the Turtle -- Original by Paul Hall on Native American Flute.
In the wetlands where food is gathered, there can be heard the cry of the turtle. So small, such a large sound.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
In Travels
In Travels in this spinning world, in blues and then in greens, I never paused to see the ones all scattered in between. For there is but the tragic, despite their promise fair - of mankind locked in crusted walls and of the unaware ...
The Establishment
As soon as they start building it, it starts falling down. That is the essence of "the establishment". In a word: "tenuous". Those who participate in it are cooperating in a flimsy, faulty concoction of corrupt legal systems and inadequate and decrepit infrastructures. Everyone there is subject to the merciless, draconian scrutiny of vicious gossips and in the deadly grip of secrecy and innuendo. It is "The Establishment" and this is your life unless you are among the very few that have managed to escape it ...
When I decided to be an artist, I was deciding what the world needed most. So I needed a transport mechanism. My paintings became a way to travel. Would find myself in a scene that I painted only years later. Little did I know that I was also be doing paintings of the future and that there would be those who would try to stop me.
I used to watch the beauty of water as it dropped away from my eye to the sidewalk below at the window of the top floor window. It would make a silver ball which I had the privelage of studying before it hit the pavement below. I especially watch the water fall from my styrofoam coffee cup whenever I was depressed. Then one day a woman walked right under a droplet that splashed on her head. She looked up and saw me, I waved back, hoping she might understand, but she walked right into the building and a short while later, the dean himself came upstairs and I was almost expelled from the art school. Maybe no one realizes the extreme beauty of water, especially as it goes into free-fall ...
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
In Travels in this Spinning World - by Paul A. L. Hall (1986, Lancaster, New Zealand)
In travels in this spinning world,
in blues and then in greens,
I never stopped to see the ones
all scattered in between.
But there were voices all along
that hushed in passing years,
Of arguments of rights and wrongs,
of settlements and fears.
The fathers of the nomads,
who taught their children hope,
Were, I think, the kindest
as birth began its grope.
They did not pause to see the shine
of caravans of spangles,
They were the pilgrims of the stars,
not stuck in crossroad mangles.
For there, where highways intersect,
the prisoners do stay.
But those who can escape regret
are those who got away.
You cannot trust in fancy man
who never can decide,
If he will remain today
or if away he'll ride.
In travels in this spinning world,
in blues and then in greens,
I never stopped to see the ones
all scattered in between.
For there is but the tragic,
despite their promise fair,
of mankind
in crusted walls,
And of the unaware ...
Self Portrait (Writing an anthology of poetry)
Tennant Creek (Out Back), Australia, 1986.
Performance of the poem put to music by me on guitar, harmonica and vocal :
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Moonlit Dreams -- Original by Paul Hall on Native American Flute.
Others think we imagine it, but on nights of the full moon our dreams seem especially mysterious. Many remember dreams from a while back that they had on the nights of a full moon, or so it seems ...
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Dangerous Lightning Thunderstorm -- Original by Paul Hall on Native Amer...
In storms, there is a great danger in the open land, as the earth and sky talk with bright streaks seeking riders between them to serve as guides, in the deadly noises ...
The Fraction of the Original Pangaen Land-Mass
The remains of Pangaea is the large land mass that is resulting in huge meteorological aberrations in the 21st century such as the expansion of the Gobi/Saharan desert band (partially due to the centrum of large land areas and also human desertification), and the increase of severity of Monsoons in the Indian Sub-Continent, the resultant "Killer Monsoons" which used to be merely gentle rainy seasons a couple of decades ago.
The land mass is supposedly home to 3 continents, but that is a misnomer, in that it's just one large one, with so-called "Europe" actually Western Asia, and "Africa" (or Afridittica) as the Southwest Asian segment. The American segments split away as the planet expanded due to an accumulation of space dust and water from the cosmic rain of cometary activity in the ecliptic plane (in a sense the cosmic rain falls mainly in the plane), and, since the crust is sial (silicon/aluminum) floating on a viscus sea of sima (silicon/magnesium - slightly heavier and more dense) the slightest extra weight such as that of hydrogen hydroxide (water) can cause the surface to recede and bowl out in moving platelets at the profundity of the central depth of the seven seas (in a sense, they seas the moment).
The land mass is supposedly home to 3 continents, but that is a misnomer, in that it's just one large one, with so-called "Europe" actually Western Asia, and "Africa" (or Afridittica) as the Southwest Asian segment. The American segments split away as the planet expanded due to an accumulation of space dust and water from the cosmic rain of cometary activity in the ecliptic plane (in a sense the cosmic rain falls mainly in the plane), and, since the crust is sial (silicon/aluminum) floating on a viscus sea of sima (silicon/magnesium - slightly heavier and more dense) the slightest extra weight such as that of hydrogen hydroxide (water) can cause the surface to recede and bowl out in moving platelets at the profundity of the central depth of the seven seas (in a sense, they seas the moment).
Weather Warfare
There was definite weather warfare during the cold war. In fact it seems the former Soviet Union was the first to use microwave energy to cause droughts mainly in the United States. But now the United States in conjunction with, so it seems, Dutch elitists (a Dutch airline owned, it seems, by one of the Dutch royal family working with the U.S. Air Force), have developed relatively advanced microwave weather weaponry in the Alaskan Wilderness.
And if they are doing that, it seems to have backfired on them, and they are resorting to nanosized aluminum climate control to stem the resultant out-of-control warming, which I myself observed on a personal trip across North American in 2012, including a cursory investigation of devastating droughts that were sort of hushed-up.
Monday, August 24, 2015
The Nightmare of Biology
The nightmare of biology -- in which the human being is the nightmare...
This is specifically amplified by transportation of the species intentionally or unintentionally, by human beings. This is epitomised by "the royalty syndrome" in which a human being seeks status by the ownership of dangerous living specimens, similar to the ancient days when rulers kept ferocious beasts next to their thrones to impress visitors.
When an environment is suitable for escaped animals or plants, they tend to thrive in places where there is no predation regulation. The situation, exasperated by human transportation of species, has a tendency to destroy the feasibility of an entire local ecosystem and results in a dysfunctional environment.
- The Context of Extra-Ecological Biological Expansiveness of a Species
This is specifically amplified by transportation of the species intentionally or unintentionally, by human beings. This is epitomised by "the royalty syndrome" in which a human being seeks status by the ownership of dangerous living specimens, similar to the ancient days when rulers kept ferocious beasts next to their thrones to impress visitors.
When an environment is suitable for escaped animals or plants, they tend to thrive in places where there is no predation regulation. The situation, exasperated by human transportation of species, has a tendency to destroy the feasibility of an entire local ecosystem and results in a dysfunctional environment.
- The Destruction of Natural Cycles Vital to Life in Locales and Ultimately Planet-Wide
Cycles in all areas of the planet are ultimately affected by interruptions in any locale if the impact is sizable enough. Elements and compounds pass through the system in renewable cycles that afford all life the needed elements for existence. When interruptions occur, there is an inevitable breakdown and life ceases to exist.
These impairments of cycles are specifically amplified by a lack of instinctual biological awareness, intentionally or unintentionally by human beings. This is epitomized by the "tycoon syndrome", in which a human being seeks status by the ownership of enterprises that produce inordinate wealth for that person, similar to the ancient days when bankers established lending institutions to finance feudal military campaigns and other activities, taking the act of financing away from governments and rulers.
When an environment is suitable for rampant financial development, enterprises tend to thrive in places where there is no responsible regulation. The situation, exasperated by the human preoccupation with wealth, has a tendency to destroy the feasibility of an entire local ecosystem and results in a dysfunctional environment.
- The Nightmare Scenario of Biological Power and the Context of Human Existence
Right of existence is governed by the adaptability of a species to its environment and the assumption of an ecological niche or natural reciprocal duty within an ecosystem, it's biome, and the entire planet. When an organism such as the human being comes to supersede the failsafe of ecological controls and limitations, it becomes the catastrophic life form.
The life form will keep on reproducing, thus making its impact equivalent to the slowed-down explosion of a biological bomb. The inference of a species that summarily blocks and destroys all infrastructure of life-cycles and vitality of the planet-wide life support into any aspect of planetary life systems or ecosystems, results in the establishment of the "biological bomb" which leads to ultimate catastrophic failure of all life altogether -- hence the "Nightmare Scenario".
The life form will keep on reproducing, thus making its impact equivalent to the slowed-down explosion of a biological bomb. The inference of a species that summarily blocks and destroys all infrastructure of life-cycles and vitality of the planet-wide life support into any aspect of planetary life systems or ecosystems, results in the establishment of the "biological bomb" which leads to ultimate catastrophic failure of all life altogether -- hence the "Nightmare Scenario".
This blockage is specifically amplified by the success of the human being to reproduce itself, despite the lengthy gestation period of the human foetus, and the accompanying double-decade period needed for the complete development of the human brain from infancy to maturity. The life-support blockage is epitomized by the "latch-key syndrome", in which the gestating foetus and the maturing infant are subjected to the preoccupation of adults to aberrant behaviour such as the Tycoon and Royalty syndromes, in which the child is considered sub-human and becomes neglected.
When an environment is suitable for warped infantile development, and other things not covered in this article, the resultant "biological bomb" of successful reproduction enters a vicious cycle of successive generations of more vicious mutations and deformed individuals. The situation, exasperated by human susceptibility to desire to the exclusion of responsibility, has a tendency to destroy the feasibility of an entire local ecosystem and results in not only a dysfunctional environment, but ultimately the destruction of the planetary environment altogether, ultimately resulting in the destruction and demise of all biological function and existence altogether. A baron planet, in which the function of biology has reached term and demised. With nothing left but the raw elements alone.
- The Human Being IS the Nightmare of The Nightmare of Biology
How the human being came to exist is at the heart of this problem, that if perhaps humans were once a part of an ideal ecological situation and were modified either by chance or intention into the catastrophic catalyst humanity has now become. But that is now a moot point. The reality is that humankind has now become the Nightmare of Biology that will lead to the desolation of all life on Earth unless some intervention or governance intervenes to rescue life and restore its functionality.
Thre is no recollection of IF the Nightmare Scenario of Biology has often or at all occurred in the past of the Earth, unless, hypothetically, the planets are escaping the sun's gravity field and Mars was long ago in the Earth's orbit and had equal life factors which eventually mitigated into lifelessness, in the present Martian orbit, and subsequently Mars will "seventy-eight needle" out to the orbit of the present asteroid belt, and disintegrate into micro planetoids between the gravity of the collected asteroidal segments into a new Jupiter gas giant in their newly acquired gas belt of the solar system and the gravity of the sun, and so on, with the planet Venus assuming the Earth orbit and re-adapting its ecological realization as the new habitant of the "Ecological Belt" of solar system orbits.
At any rate, a planet Earth in its assumption of the Martian "Desolate Rocky Planet Belt", would have accompanying documentation of demise, which the Nouveau Biological Venutians might be able to interpret. If so, then the Martian fragment retrieved from Antarctica in the 20th century, may possibly upon re-examination, be discovered to contain actual documentation of its sojourn and demise in the earlier Ecological Belt existence.
- Summary
In any case, my view is to leave things as they go, let nature take its course, so to speak, and OBSERVE if there is any extra terrestrial intervention, such as cometary or asteroidal catastrophic impact, or migration of the planetary mass from ecological to desolate orbital positions away from solar proximity, or if even as some theorise, perhaps even some sort of supposed or imagined if not actual intelligent intervention, perhaps at the eleventh hour, to put a halt to the biological nightmare of humanity itself, mutating the survivors into a benign species or maybe even two types of such, in the which the upgraded humankind becomes totally ecologically compatible at last. Let it be and we shall see ...
"The Silent Singing Universe" by me, Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart (Paris, 1980):
"Mister Destiny" by me, Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart (Paris, 1980 - I got the title 10 years before the movie):
Friday, August 21, 2015
El Condor Passa - the outcry of subjugated humanity
El Condor Passa --
By Daniel Robles &made famous by Simon&Garfunkel. Here on my rudimentary Peruvian Pipes, I examine once again some of the musical discoveries of that great singer/songwriter from Latin America. But instead of the singer saying he'd rather be a hammer than a nail, in the real song it's a native miner crying out to the condor, the huge bird that only appears when something has passed away, to remove him from the horror of the oppression of the foreign bosses and take him back to the mountains. It has a lot in common with songs such as "The Bonny, Bonny banks o' Loch Loman" and "The Green, Green Grass of Home" in that only when they passed away would they be able to return home far from the oppressor. A prisoner of labor, a prisoner of war, and a prisoner of death row. All share the common irony.
El Condor Passa - Cover by Paul Hall on Pan Pipes
By Daniel Robles &made famous by Simon&Garfunkel. Here on my rudimentary Peruvian Pipes, I examine once again some of the musical discoveries of that great singer/songwriter from Latin America. But instead of the singer saying he'd rather be a hammer than a nail, in the real song it's a native miner crying out to the condor, the huge bird that only appears when something has passed away, to remove him from the horror of the oppression of the foreign bosses and take him back to the mountains. It has a lot in common with songs such as "The Bonny, Bonny banks o' Loch Loman" and "The Green, Green Grass of Home" in that only when they passed away would they be able to return home far from the oppressor. A prisoner of labor, a prisoner of war, and a prisoner of death row. All share the common irony.
No Emoticon can Express What's Coming
I would send you flowers, and emoticon hearts, and espresso with croissant and console you all with pretty pictures -- but alas, they must appear for you, if ever at all, out of thin air. For these be the days of conflict up ahead, where only the most brave may keep his or her own mind and only the compassionate e're survive the astonishment without succumbing to heart failure ...
The man-made, synthetic world, dictated to by the Wall Street Bourse All-Ordinaries bottome line of profitibility, is on a crash-course with oblivion, perhaps in the life times of many alive now. There simply are things that absolutely must be done that nobody of means is going to pay for.
Unless humanity is going to become prepared to work for free as does the rest of nature, there will be no respite, no break, in the relentless lunge of the collossal failure of the Late Great Planet Earth as a place for anything to live, from the richest tycoon with maximum life support living quarters to the most radiation-resistant cockroach.
So if you're looking at cutsie heart shapes of two hands in the sky, or flower-like designs in the foam on a cup of espresso, or sleeping cats on a key-board. Sorry. No smiley face for the lemmings running over this cliff. Only the last-minute blurt of "Hey! -- Beyond THIS point, no rescue" to the mocking crowd, intent on ignoring all warning as the rant of some delusional conspiricy theorist whom they believe is merely another troll out to get some kicks ...
Instinct Suicide (by me, Paul A. L. Hall, Paris, 1980):
The man-made, synthetic world, dictated to by the Wall Street Bourse All-Ordinaries bottome line of profitibility, is on a crash-course with oblivion, perhaps in the life times of many alive now. There simply are things that absolutely must be done that nobody of means is going to pay for.
Unless humanity is going to become prepared to work for free as does the rest of nature, there will be no respite, no break, in the relentless lunge of the collossal failure of the Late Great Planet Earth as a place for anything to live, from the richest tycoon with maximum life support living quarters to the most radiation-resistant cockroach.
So if you're looking at cutsie heart shapes of two hands in the sky, or flower-like designs in the foam on a cup of espresso, or sleeping cats on a key-board. Sorry. No smiley face for the lemmings running over this cliff. Only the last-minute blurt of "Hey! -- Beyond THIS point, no rescue" to the mocking crowd, intent on ignoring all warning as the rant of some delusional conspiricy theorist whom they believe is merely another troll out to get some kicks ...
Instinct Suicide (by me, Paul A. L. Hall, Paris, 1980):
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Early Bob Dylan Country Collection: A Country Album - 10 Bob Dylan songs...
-- A full album of 10 country songs written by Bob Dylan (in the 1960's, before it was popular to be "country"). Cover performed by me: Paul Hall of paulhallart (I also did the artwork). Since I was 9 ('55), I've been playing harmonica in a straight melodic style. Quite a few have poked fun at my natural style joking that my harmonica playing sounds like cowboy music and that any moment they might hear someone yell "... come home, Shane!"
But I kept it up never imagining that I'd ever try to play for anyone else but myself. But now that I'm uploading so much, with all these recordings I'm making, I discover I'm also playing the harmonica for my shelf.
Bob was my neighbor back then as well in the West Village (2 buildings over) tho I never met him. But I almost physically ran into him once at the crack of dawn as I ran around the corner of Houston and Elizabeth streets in lower Manhattan back in the '60's with a pole lamp trying to impress my then girl friend from Wisconsin. I was pretending to be the white knight of the then cleanser commercials seen on television back in the day. Bob was still in his pajamas and was talking to a man in a suit with an attache case.
For more info: http://www.paulhallart.com/pages/literature/deeperlevels/deltabird1/grenwichvillageperiod.htm
The songs:
One Too Many Mornings, Tomorrow is a Long Time, Day of the Locusts, North Country Blues, Song To Woody, Farewell Angelina, Drifter's Escape, Time Passes Slowly, Only a Hobo, John Wesley Harding.
But I kept it up never imagining that I'd ever try to play for anyone else but myself. But now that I'm uploading so much, with all these recordings I'm making, I discover I'm also playing the harmonica for my shelf.
Bob was my neighbor back then as well in the West Village (2 buildings over) tho I never met him. But I almost physically ran into him once at the crack of dawn as I ran around the corner of Houston and Elizabeth streets in lower Manhattan back in the '60's with a pole lamp trying to impress my then girl friend from Wisconsin. I was pretending to be the white knight of the then cleanser commercials seen on television back in the day. Bob was still in his pajamas and was talking to a man in a suit with an attache case.
For more info: http://www.paulhallart.com/pages/literature/deeperlevels/deltabird1/grenwichvillageperiod.htm
The songs:
One Too Many Mornings, Tomorrow is a Long Time, Day of the Locusts, North Country Blues, Song To Woody, Farewell Angelina, Drifter's Escape, Time Passes Slowly, Only a Hobo, John Wesley Harding.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
The Dialogue of the Truly Miraculous - by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart.
Swistein are better than Einstein
-- But then again, dristein is no stein at all ...
In order to understand what is better than Einstein, one has to speak German. Swistein is better than Einstein.
Albert noted that energy is equivalent to mass times the speed of light times itself. However, he knew nothing about light itself, which is the essence of a transmission through a modicum of existence which is non-substantial. And that's why the first nuclear detonation in the desert of New Mexico didn't result in a chain reaction that would destroy the Universe as Oppenheimer and the others thought it would, and as the shadows had hoped.
I propose a different tack: that each of us LOSE the dignity, so that we may proceed with the dialogue of the truly miraculous which is not found in the human lexicon of "good enough" sciences, nor in delusions of superiority. We are pilgrims through this land of forgetfulness, and only true courage can survive it. When at the last all those given to terror and its manipulation shall use their power of choice to cease to exist ...
The Extreme Value and Jeopardy of Nova
We have an incorrect concept of "novelty", we think of it as joking or slight diversion.
But it is not so with the super-universal construct. The Universe is a lab, or more precisely, in extra-English-linguata: a laborium. - In that it is perception, it must needs have a perceptive element, but it is perceptus temporium ad sequentionattus laboriotus estes. The principate of ongoing investigation into creativity and the creative act. The act of ongoing work in a progressive sequence.
And in this case, we observe that other Universes are pondering the Novelorium, which at this juncture, is us.
The stars and stones and life are volumes of a great book which we are allowed even in our primitive state, to read.
But take care, fellow humans, for we are in the midst of a conflict of sorts and have become in a way, genetically modified. We were the first of the GMO's. It is from thence our recovery is initiated.
The animals shall teach us, and even these pronounced species, the canus and the felis, or e're the recovery be complete, shall become herbivorous ...
The Ant, Sir, is Blowing in the Wind
now. Let me tell you about walking with ants. It was in Puerto Rico. I would touch an ant with my finger tip and the ant touched me. I was thinking sort of like "love and greetings". Then each individual would understand by chemical interpretation of my emotions coming out of my fingertip pours. Each would then greet me in a dance going around in a circle and I would do the same. And then bye and bye I met the REAL ant, which was a swarm, and more than one. An individual consisting of individuals. They three appeared on the bathroom wall, a two-dimensional person of the insect world, as big as human beings. We all know how primitive our situation is but that we are striving for the proper role of the ambulant of planetary stewardship and inter-species co-operation ...
In the world of the take, there's also the give; though you've come to existence, you must choose to live.
"Energy Thinks" by me (Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart) ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB6mWpxdmkI
energy thinks and it's smarter than you, but then -- you must think with energy, too. If you've got a crisis and things have gone wrong, it's maybe you were weak when you thought you were strong.
so feed with the energy feed. It's done with the heart and not with the mouth. Lifetimes of energy, don't ever doubt. The surface deceptive is all round about.
energy thinks and appears at the need. It goes where it's wanted but not where there's greed. The things all around us were written to read, but not if you're moving at too great a speed.
so feed with the energy feed. It's done with the heart and not with the mouth. Lifetimes of energy, don't ever doubt. The surface deceptive is all round about.
energy thinks and it teaches the fact. They say the truth hurts, but don't you look back. In the world of the take, there's also the give. Though you've come to existence, you must choose to live.
The things all around us were written to read, but not if you're moving at too great a speed.
"Energy Thinks" by me (Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart) ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB6mWpxdmkI
energy thinks and it's smarter than you, but then -- you must think with energy, too. If you've got a crisis and things have gone wrong, it's maybe you were weak when you thought you were strong.
so feed with the energy feed. It's done with the heart and not with the mouth. Lifetimes of energy, don't ever doubt. The surface deceptive is all round about.
energy thinks and appears at the need. It goes where it's wanted but not where there's greed. The things all around us were written to read, but not if you're moving at too great a speed.
so feed with the energy feed. It's done with the heart and not with the mouth. Lifetimes of energy, don't ever doubt. The surface deceptive is all round about.
energy thinks and it teaches the fact. They say the truth hurts, but don't you look back. In the world of the take, there's also the give. Though you've come to existence, you must choose to live.
The things all around us were written to read, but not if you're moving at too great a speed.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Bow Man on the Far Cliff -- Original by Paul Hall on Native American Flute.
In another land of great mountains, skilled hunters take long horn sheep with bows made from ram's horns.
It is the highlands of the longhorn mountain sheep. The horns are boiled and split, and stuck together using a special glue made from the bones boiled down and also the sinues of the game. So their bows are made from the ram's horns.
But the hunters must have great skills, for they cannot shoot an arrow except at close range. So they have to sneak up very silently and down wind to get close enough for a successful kill.
As you aproach to trade with them, you will see one or two on the far cliffs. Their legs are very strong for years of hunting in those mountains.
(Video) Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
1) Glyph of bow hunters in prehistoric times. 2) Bow made from longhorh sheep horns.

It is the highlands of the longhorn mountain sheep. The horns are boiled and split, and stuck together using a special glue made from the bones boiled down and also the sinues of the game. So their bows are made from the ram's horns.
But the hunters must have great skills, for they cannot shoot an arrow except at close range. So they have to sneak up very silently and down wind to get close enough for a successful kill.
As you aproach to trade with them, you will see one or two on the far cliffs. Their legs are very strong for years of hunting in those mountains.
(Video) Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
1) Glyph of bow hunters in prehistoric times. 2) Bow made from longhorh sheep horns.

Masked People of the Mud Dwellings -- Original by Paul Hall on Native Am...
Going very far to trade their popular green stone arrowheads, they met the mountainside people of high canyons.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
The Flow of Assets
It's the objective of your opposition to deprive you of your assets. But you keep coming up with new ones. Much to their consternation ...
There are two opponents in the world. There is hatred. An unmitigated onslaught against children, nature, families, art, poetry, music, creativity ...
Something evil that is completely successful in hiding itself. Something that has learned to push everybody's fear buttons. And you were born and came into this world as its opponent. You did nothing to it, but it became your enemy.
If you stood up against it and made it through the onslaught of childhood, it began to seek you out and to start depriving you of everything it could. But maybe you noticed. The assets you lost were replaced by new ones. And you consternated your foe. Or else I could be so bold as to suggest, you wouldn't have been reading this. Or had it read to you.
And you may find it to be preposterous. I'm counting on that. Because then you will still have been alerted as to what to look for and perhaps be better at showing the others than I ...
It's the objective of your opposition to deprive you of your assets. But you keep coming up with new ones. Much to their consternation ...
There are two opponents in the world. There is hatred. An unmitigated onslaught against children, nature, families, art, poetry, music, creativity ...
Something evil that is completely successful in hiding itself. Something that has learned to push everybody's fear buttons. And you were born and came into this world as its opponent. You did nothing to it, but it became your enemy.
If you stood up against it and made it through the onslaught of childhood, it began to seek you out and to start depriving you of everything it could. But maybe you noticed. The assets you lost were replaced by new ones. And you consternated your foe. Or else I could be so bold as to suggest, you wouldn't have been reading this. Or had it read to you.
And you may find it to be preposterous. I'm counting on that. Because then you will still have been alerted as to what to look for and perhaps be better at showing the others than I ...
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Flying Bird -- Original by Paul Hall on Native American Flute ...
Flying Bird, flame reader, looks at fire with one eye shut, tells us where food is found like a sky bird seeing.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
See Flying Bird as usual looking at the flames of the fire with only one eye open. After a while, as sleep fled from us anxiously we waited in the half shade, on the ground, sitting and clutching our knees with our folded arms waiting.
And then our hearts almost stopped. In the stillness of the night and the flicker of the flames, we saw a bird of smoke fly toward the heavens above the old man's head. He was comfortable, in his squalor, for he had little gear. Then the bird of smoke, high in the heavens, would disclose to us all where to go in one day, in six days, and there find the game we needed to hunt.
He came from a line of those who painted on stones. In caves on the walls, they painted where to find food. Sometimes it was game, sometimes wild rice or maize. Or where to fish. Always keeping us from the territory of others.
Then came the day Flying Bird went home leaving his body forever. But he would also appear to us in dreams, and teach us to watch the dance of the flames as well ...
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
See Flying Bird as usual looking at the flames of the fire with only one eye open. After a while, as sleep fled from us anxiously we waited in the half shade, on the ground, sitting and clutching our knees with our folded arms waiting.
And then our hearts almost stopped. In the stillness of the night and the flicker of the flames, we saw a bird of smoke fly toward the heavens above the old man's head. He was comfortable, in his squalor, for he had little gear. Then the bird of smoke, high in the heavens, would disclose to us all where to go in one day, in six days, and there find the game we needed to hunt.
He came from a line of those who painted on stones. In caves on the walls, they painted where to find food. Sometimes it was game, sometimes wild rice or maize. Or where to fish. Always keeping us from the territory of others.
Then came the day Flying Bird went home leaving his body forever. But he would also appear to us in dreams, and teach us to watch the dance of the flames as well ...
Building a Campfire -- Original by Paul Hall on Native American Flute ...
Building a Fire for the Camp.
First the teepee of slim twigs is home to the birch bark and then flame emerges to spread itself to the rest ...
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
If you build a fire you must be always ready to tend to it. It is a gift from the unknown, no matter how much you know. It comes from the place of sparks that are so small they can only be seen when they have great gatherings in the clouds as lightning.
Yet all color comes from fire from the fire of the sun touching the fire of the unseen sparks as they go about their duties. More so in the feather of the colored birds or else how could their colors glow? And when lit from moonlight the colors disappear, except those we think we see, like the trees we know to be green.
When you see, it has got to be because of sparks as when the flinty stones strike together. All these are gifts and great treasures. If we have and get respect, we will see more of them, and the sparks are gifts.
Build your fire with big and small, so that when the dance of flames begin they will spread untill the boundary you have set for them. The flames have a mind and you must also have respect there, for we ourselves are flames, and when our flames of a special fire whose bounds are set by the stars.
First the teepee of slim twigs is home to the birch bark and then flame emerges to spread itself to the rest ...
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
If you build a fire you must be always ready to tend to it. It is a gift from the unknown, no matter how much you know. It comes from the place of sparks that are so small they can only be seen when they have great gatherings in the clouds as lightning.
Yet all color comes from fire from the fire of the sun touching the fire of the unseen sparks as they go about their duties. More so in the feather of the colored birds or else how could their colors glow? And when lit from moonlight the colors disappear, except those we think we see, like the trees we know to be green.
When you see, it has got to be because of sparks as when the flinty stones strike together. All these are gifts and great treasures. If we have and get respect, we will see more of them, and the sparks are gifts.
Build your fire with big and small, so that when the dance of flames begin they will spread untill the boundary you have set for them. The flames have a mind and you must also have respect there, for we ourselves are flames, and when our flames of a special fire whose bounds are set by the stars.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Dream by Grassy River Banks -- Original by Paul Hall on Native American ...
Just one dream, just one night, but it was so worth remembering that it is called Grassy Bank dream ...
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Star Path -- Original by Paul Hall on Native American Flute ...
As the open fire burns down for the night we are comforted by the path of the stars like the sparks of the fire.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Between Two Moons -- Original by Paul Hall on Native American Flute ...
Between the time of two full moons, if we look carefully we see great strength causing them and their placement.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Wind by the River -- Original by Paul Hall on Native American Flute ...
As we listen to the wind whispering in our ears we have to fight ourselves to know no day is ordinary ...
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Original melody on Native American Flute and original art (ball-point black pen on newsprint) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on You Tube.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Crystal Sounds (Album of 6 songs) (guitar, harmonica, vocal by Paul). 3...
Unique special effects videos with music by Denver, Mancini, Nakamura, and me played by me on harmonica & guitar
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Moody Dreams - An Album of 9 Songs (cover-guitar-harmonica by Paul)
Greensleeves, "The Tennessee Waltz" by Pee Wee King, "Cruising 'Round Yarmouth", "A Time for Us" by Nino Rota, "Paper Roses" by Fred Spielman and Janice Torre, "The Shadow of your Smile" by Johny Mandel and Paul Webster, "Autumn Leaves" or "Les feuilles mortes" by Joseph Kosma and lyrics by poet Jacques Prévert with English lyrics by Johnny Mercer, "Дорогой длинною" ("Endless Road") an early 20th century Russian folk song by Boris Fomin, "Moscow Nights" or "Midnight in Moscow" by Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi. Cover by me on harmonica and classical guitar.
Full album; 9 Songs, special effects also by me. Performed in my little trailer home-studio beside the railroad tracks in Skagway, Alaska, 2010, on nylon-string classical guitar with harmonica and some vocals (by me). Videos and slide-shows from Alaska, Canada and Old San Juan (Puerto Rico). Special effects added with final production in my apartment-studio in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011. Why do this? I'm hoping eventually some one will toss some spare change into the old street-singer's guitar case...
Full album; 9 Songs, special effects also by me. Performed in my little trailer home-studio beside the railroad tracks in Skagway, Alaska, 2010, on nylon-string classical guitar with harmonica and some vocals (by me). Videos and slide-shows from Alaska, Canada and Old San Juan (Puerto Rico). Special effects added with final production in my apartment-studio in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011. Why do this? I'm hoping eventually some one will toss some spare change into the old street-singer's guitar case...
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Paul's Desert Melodies - FULL TRIPLE ALBUM. 20 original harmonica solos.
Over 3 hours of special original music on harmonica by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart. Desert slide show of the North American Southwest - photography by Jen Hall ...
Monday, July 20, 2015
Digital Abstract Expressionism, Gallery 1. By Paul Hall of paulhallart.
Uploaded on Dec 6, 2008
Original, "The Red and the Blue", key colors of key countries. Original digital art using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. With the advent of digitization, the artwork leaves the canvas or the picture plane, at least as a point of origin. Large printers called plotters can make the work as large as a billboard and the picture plane, canvas or anything else, becomes the "substrate" that is printed on. Otherwise, the finished work is viewed on monitors or LCD plasma screens or whatever else comes along.
The song was written by me in Paris in 1980, called: "The Red and the Blue".
The song was written by me in Paris in 1980, called: "The Red and the Blue".
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Desert Earth - By Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart.
Humans are changing a living planet into a desert. The United States is becoming a new Sahara.
How your home is liable to become a part of a global dust bowl. By Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart.
How your home is liable to become a part of a global dust bowl. By Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
The Extent of Oblong (Full Album) - Easy Listening G Maj. Harmonica Solo...
a serenade to the ENERGY & it's origin that presses the circle. FULL ALBUM. Harmonica by Paul Hall.
The Labyrinth of Cementia - by Paul A. L. Hall (paulhallart).
This is one of my SCIFA novels, NOT SciFi or science fiction, but this is science fact, or para-science fact; a true story, written as if it were science fiction, but all completely true and actual fact.
When I released it on You Tube as read by me, the author, it was EXTREMELY unpopular, with only 42 views in 4 years.
unfortunately, I only got the first chapter done, because of impossible situations and metaphysical enemies, etcetera, and other projects, I was not able to finish writing it. But it's not over yet. I might be able to go back and complete the next eleven chapters. I have to go into the lab of Cementia itself, because I'm the protagonist of the novel.
It would only take eleven days ...
When I released it on You Tube as read by me, the author, it was EXTREMELY unpopular, with only 42 views in 4 years.
unfortunately, I only got the first chapter done, because of impossible situations and metaphysical enemies, etcetera, and other projects, I was not able to finish writing it. But it's not over yet. I might be able to go back and complete the next eleven chapters. I have to go into the lab of Cementia itself, because I'm the protagonist of the novel.
It would only take eleven days ...
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Vivid Glacier - melody by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
Sailing up the Inside Passage of Alaska, there's a gap between the mountains that gives you a glimpse at a huge melting glacier briefly.
Part 14 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ...
Part 14 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ...
Spires and Slopes - melody by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
Spires and summits are the essence of mountains, but the tremendous alpine slopes are also awesome as well...
Part 13 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ...
Part 13 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ...
Paul's Desert Melodies, Part 3, full album. Eight harmonica solos by Pa...
Desert Colors, Trains, Skies, Horizon, Dusk, Horizon, Transport, Sunset and Finale -- original harmonica solos on alto harmonica by Paul Hall, photography by Jen Hall.
The Feral Bulls of Mount Isa (Australia). By Paul A. L. Hall of paulhall...
One night I found myself walking down the road with three huge wild bulls, but it's really about watching Haley's comet out of town during a full eclipse of the moon near the Australian mining town of Mount Isa. This is also a poem about the encounter. Photo and spec effects of me in Aus. in '86.
-- words: -- "The Feral Bulls of Mount Isa" --
As I traced the pinhole image of a partial eclipse of the sun, one day, by old Uluru Rock, I knew it had begun.
- And, soon it dawned upon my mind, as I sketched that afternoon, that, when it's fullness waxed around, eclipsed would be the moon.
- So I went to old Mount Isa, where the smoke-stack meets the sky, and lodged at the youth hostel and waited. Bye and bye,
- when the full moon lit the heavens on a certain sultry night, I knew the time was drawing near and I went to see the sight.
- I walked by furnace, one by one, of Isa's belching smoke; of copper and molybdenum; of silver in the choke.
- I walked nigh ten mile out of town, far from synthetic light and lay down in the outback dust to watch the sky that night. For it was 1986, and, raging in the sky, the hoary beard of Haley's was just then passing by.
- And, as the moon's light dimmed away by the shadow of the Earth, that comet lit my anxious eye as I lay there in the dirt.
- And then, returning through the town, walking beside a wall, I came upon a gap in it not that big at all. Presently out came three large bulls and prancing in a trot. I heard the music of their hooves; and I in quite a spot! For these magnificent creatures were of the feral type. I, privileged, then, walked with them in the moonlit sultry night.
- Or how to tell the feeling, or to describe the thought; or to relay in poetry what I was there then taught: We are a part of the universe; and part, then, of the whole. Let's roll our swag and loose the slag, for the World's beyond control. We try to use our money to measure what we've done, forgetting, then, what is for free, and think to buy our fun. --
Special effect were done using Adobe After Effects software.
Mount Isa, Australia, is home to one of the largest underground mines in the world, with one of the most immaculate safety records (at least back in the '80's when I was there), boasts an international community of naturalized Australians, one of the largest smoke stacks in the World, and is abundant in all sorts of precious metals and natural resources.
-- words: -- "The Feral Bulls of Mount Isa" --
As I traced the pinhole image of a partial eclipse of the sun, one day, by old Uluru Rock, I knew it had begun.
- And, soon it dawned upon my mind, as I sketched that afternoon, that, when it's fullness waxed around, eclipsed would be the moon.
- So I went to old Mount Isa, where the smoke-stack meets the sky, and lodged at the youth hostel and waited. Bye and bye,
- when the full moon lit the heavens on a certain sultry night, I knew the time was drawing near and I went to see the sight.
- I walked by furnace, one by one, of Isa's belching smoke; of copper and molybdenum; of silver in the choke.
- I walked nigh ten mile out of town, far from synthetic light and lay down in the outback dust to watch the sky that night. For it was 1986, and, raging in the sky, the hoary beard of Haley's was just then passing by.
- And, as the moon's light dimmed away by the shadow of the Earth, that comet lit my anxious eye as I lay there in the dirt.
- And then, returning through the town, walking beside a wall, I came upon a gap in it not that big at all. Presently out came three large bulls and prancing in a trot. I heard the music of their hooves; and I in quite a spot! For these magnificent creatures were of the feral type. I, privileged, then, walked with them in the moonlit sultry night.
- Or how to tell the feeling, or to describe the thought; or to relay in poetry what I was there then taught: We are a part of the universe; and part, then, of the whole. Let's roll our swag and loose the slag, for the World's beyond control. We try to use our money to measure what we've done, forgetting, then, what is for free, and think to buy our fun. --
Special effect were done using Adobe After Effects software.
Mount Isa, Australia, is home to one of the largest underground mines in the world, with one of the most immaculate safety records (at least back in the '80's when I was there), boasts an international community of naturalized Australians, one of the largest smoke stacks in the World, and is abundant in all sorts of precious metals and natural resources.
An Invented Name for Tomorrows - Native American Flute by Paul Hall of p...
Many had no words for future things. Then some got deeply into the silence until a name had to be invented for the deep ones to tell of the great numbers of tomorrows when certain things would happen .....
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
An Immensity of Snows - melody by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
The build-up of snow atop the heights of the Alaskan Ring-of-Fire mountains is an awesome sight to see ...
Part 12 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ...
Part 12 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ...
Windy Summit - melody by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
Snow flies in the turbulent gale force wind atop a lofty summit in Alaska as we pass by on the Inside Passage.
Part 11 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ...
Part 11 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ...
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Paramount - melody by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
A mountain atop a mountain, the paramount is the remnant of a higher summit, eaten back by millenia of ice ...
Part 10 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ...
Part 10 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ...
Needle Point Mountain - melody by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
A sharp spire rises above the sea becalmed by the archipelago along the shore of the Alaska Panhandle...
Part 9 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ......
Part 9 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ......
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Towering Mountains - melody by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
In a land made of mountains, one is constantly surrounded by granite towers. Original melody by Paul Hall ...
Part 8 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ......
Part 8 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ......
Tiny Island - melody by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
Original melody by Paul Hall of paulhallart. Each of us is like this tiny island in the sea of life ...
Part 7 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ......
Part 7 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ......
Friday, July 10, 2015
The paulhallart Show 45. By Paul Hall [15B2-052015].
The paulhallart Show 45. By Paul Hall [15B2-052015].
by paulhallart .30 videos
Welcome to The Paul Hall Art show, by me, Paul A. L. Hall. This PHA Show is from October 10, 2014 to May 20, 2015 (designation 15B2 is the year, the quarter of that year, and which month in that quarter). Bringing to you the best of Paul Hall ...
Videos in PHA Show 45
Desert Landscape (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:47 More
Desert Places (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:44 More
Desert Colors (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:41 More
Desert Trains (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:46 More
Desert Skies (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:48 More
Desert Horizons (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:40 More
Desert Dusk (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
9:53 More
Desert Transport - alto harmonica (melody by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:05 More
Desert Sunset (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:30 More
Desert Finale (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:50 More
10 Early Bob Dylan Songs performed in a blues style, full album (cover: paulhallart)
by paulhallart .
54:18 More
Moon River by Henry Mancini (cover & minimal art by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart)
by paulhallart .
5:59 More
Candyland Cro-Magnon
by paulhallart .
25:47 More
The Tarantula Interlude. By Paul A. L. Hall.
by paulhallart .
5:12 More
Galaxies in Collision credits and titles with 3rd symphony melodies by Paul Hall
by paulhallart .
1:05:10 More
Galaxies in Collision -- 6 symphonies by Paul Hall (paulhallart) ...
by paulhallart .
4:29:52 More
Planet Music - Native American Flute
by paulhallart .
5:36 More
Serenade of the Stars
by paulhallart .
2:50 More
"Deesdoi" (Planet Mercury) - Native American Flute
by paulhallart .
3:04 More
Synthetic Ice Age from Chemtrails?
by paulhallart .
11:40 More
The Evident Elimination Process of the Middle Class ...
by paulhallart .
14:48 More
The Elimination of the Upper Class. By Paul Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
4:48 More
Lonely Places -- melody on Native American Flute by Paul Hall (paulhallart)
by paulhallart .
1:47 More
Paul's Desert Melodies, Part 1, full album. Six harmonica solos by Paul Hall.
by paulhallart .
1:02:00 More
Paul's Desert Melodies, Part 2, full album. Six harmonica solos by Paul Hall.
by paulhallart .
1:02:25 More
Paul's Desert Melodies, Part 3, full album. Eight harmonica solos by Paul Hall.
by paulhallart .
1:21:30 More
Forgotten Distances -- melody on Native American Flute by Paul Hall (paulhallart)
by paulhallart .
2:11 More
Mountain of Many Faces -- melody on Native American Flute by Paul Hall (paulhallart)
by paulhallart .
1:57 More
Path of Two Roads -- melody on Native American Flute by Paul Hall (paulhallart)
by paulhallart .
2:16 More
The Working Winds -- melody on Native American Flute by Paul Hall (paulhallart)
by paulhallart .
The paulhallart Show 44. By Paul Hall [14D1-101014].
The paulhallart Show 44. By Paul Hall [14D1-101014].
by paulhallart .30 videos
Welcome to The Paul Hall Art show, by me, Paul A. L. Hall. This PHA Show is from September 6, 2014 to October 10, 2014 (designation 14D1 is the year, the quarter of that year, and which month in that quarter). Bringing to you the best of Paul Hall Art, in an effort to contribute to and enrich the lives of as many people in as many places as possible.
Videos in PHA Show 44:
Deep Bass Harmonica 1 & 2 -- double full album -- by Paul A. L. Hall.
by paulhallart .
1:45:08 More
Deep Bass Harmonica 03 (Full Album) -- G maj. Big River Harmonica at minus 48 percent pitch.
by paulhallart .
40:44 More
Deep Bass Harmonica 04 (Full Album) -- G maj. Big River Harmonica at minus 48 percent pitch.
by paulhallart .
41:07 More
Deep Bass Harmonica, 05 (Full Album) -- G-major Big River Harmonica at minus 48 percent pitch.
by paulhallart .
40:53 More
Deep Bass Harmonica part 06 (Full Album) -- G maj. Big River Harmonica: minus 48 percent pitch.
by paulhallart .
41:11 More
Deep Bass Harmonica part 07 (Full Album) -- G maj. Big River Harmonica: minus 48 percent pitch.
by paulhallart .
40:08 More
Deep Bass Harmonica 3 to 7-- quintuple edition: 5 full albums -- by Paul A. L. Hall.
by paulhallart .
3:22:51 More
The Smiles and Hearts Sonata by Paul A. L. Hall
by paulhallart .
10:39 More
The Two Worlds of the Wind (harmonica & Native American wooden flute) -- by Paul A. L. Hall
by paulhallart .
4:30 More
Leathal & Non-leathal - The Stone Age of Economic Stimulus.
by paulhallart .
5:57 More
Unemployment's Going Down (like a frown on a clown) ...
by paulhallart .
16:15 More
On-line gossip victims: the scarlet letter VS the cyber letter
by paulhallart .
4:30 More
The Obsolescence of the House of Representatives -- without compromise democracy doesn't work.
by paulhallart .
32:31 More
Long-Distance Operator - by Bob Dylan (cover by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
5:38 More
An American Foreign Legion, Part Two -- will we jump in again? Fear of the unknown ...
by paulhallart .
37:17 More
Budget Cuts for Schools -- the failure of guess-work education ...
by paulhallart .
6:39 More
The Horse of Representatives -- getting billionaires through gates into government ...
by paulhallart .
1:06:17 More
The Coming Plague - Aids, Sars & Ebola? That's just for openers ...
by paulhallart .
1:24:09 More
Desert Farms (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:41 More
Desert Roads (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:47 More
Desert Towns (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:41 More
Desert Pastures (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:43 More
Desert Dunes (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:42 More
Desert Wires (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:45 More
"Junior" (the global computer) - doesn't really like shoppers ...
by paulhallart .
36:46 More
Do People only Use Only 10% of their Brains? No, probably less than .01% ...
by paulhallart .
50:42 More
Desert Sands (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:41 More
Desert Clouds (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:45 More
Desert Mountains (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
10:41 More
Desert Vista (melody on harmonica by Paul Hall)
by paulhallart .
The paulhallart Show 43. By Paul Hall [14C3-090414].
The paulhallart Show 43. By Paul Hall [14C3-090414].
by paulhallart .30 videos
Welcome to The Paul Hall Art show, by me, Paul A. L. Hall. This PHA Show is from January 8, 2014 to September 4, 2014 (designation 14C3 is the year, the quarter of that year, and which month in that quarter of the last or most recent video in this show). Bringing to you the best of Paul Hall Art, in an effort to contribute to and enrich the lives of as many people in as many places as possible.
Videos in PHA Show 43:
Steam Train in the Mountains -- 154-photos & Paul Hall's 9th Symphony in G major.
by paulhallart .
"A Small Alaska Town", quintuple album -- photos&music by paulhallart. 5 relaxing music themes.
by paulhallart .
5 Symphonies by Paul A. L. Hall, symphonies 5 through 9, plus Alaska slide show - 1,657 photos
by paulhallart .
The Path of Waterfalls -- Digitized Native American Flute by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
The Voyage Dear (Full Album) -- Paul A. L. Hall's 10th Symphony (paulhallart).
by paulhallart .
Deep Bass Harmonica 02 (Full Album) -- C maj. Blues Band at minus 48 percent pitch.
by paulhallart .
In Case you Forget -- modification 00. Harmonica solo, photos, art, & melody by Paul A. L. Hall.
by paulhallart .
Christmas Carol Medleys, album 01 (harmonica by paulhallart).
by paulhallart .
Deep Moods -- 3 Songs. Harmonica & pipes solos by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Around the Great Lakes -- Paul A. L. Hall's 11th symphony.
by paulhallart .
Across The U.S.A. - The New Hampshire to California Drive -- Paul A. L. Hall's 12th Symphony.
by paulhallart .
The California to Alaska Drive -- Paul A. L. Hall's 13th Symphony
by paulhallart .
Big Stranger is Watching You -- "1984", but now in Blue (by Paul A.L. Hall -- paulhallart)
by paulhallart .
Tools ARE Primitive -- by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart ...
by paulhallart .
Captain Nid -- The National Intelligence Director & the "Nidrod Scenario"
by paulhallart .
An American Foreign Legion -- will we jump in again? It's an at-it-etude ...
by paulhallart .
The Alaska to California Drive - Paul A. L. Hall's 14th Symphony
by paulhallart .
Computerized Candy Land -- it's party time in Drizzle City ...
by paulhallart .
Accommodation - A Key to Prosperity -- ignored by dying burgs dead-ended into a failed state?
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 6 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 7 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul Hall). Relaxing music.
by paulhallart .
Fracking and GasLand -- A GasLand documentary review, by Paul Hall
by paulhallart .
5 Symphonies by Paul A. L. Hall, symphonies 10 through 14, plus continent slide show - 1,659 photos
by paulhallart .
Native American Wooden Flute, part 03: Star Walker. By paulhallart. Full Album.
by paulhallart .
Native American Wooden Flute, part 04: Star Dancer. By paulhallart. Full Album.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 8 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul Hall). Relaxing music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 9 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul Hall). Relaxing music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 10 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul Hall). Relaxing music.
by paulhallart .
"A Small Alaska Town", quintuple album -- photos&music by Paul A. L. Hall. 5 relaxing music themes.
by paulhallart .
"'Cross North America Wide" - An Alaska/Florida drive -- Paul A. L. Hall's 15th Symphony in G major.
by paulhallart .
by paulhallart .30 videos
Welcome to The Paul Hall Art show, by me, Paul A. L. Hall. This PHA Show is from January 8, 2014 to September 4, 2014 (designation 14C3 is the year, the quarter of that year, and which month in that quarter of the last or most recent video in this show). Bringing to you the best of Paul Hall Art, in an effort to contribute to and enrich the lives of as many people in as many places as possible.
Videos in PHA Show 43:
Steam Train in the Mountains -- 154-photos & Paul Hall's 9th Symphony in G major.
by paulhallart .
"A Small Alaska Town", quintuple album -- photos&music by paulhallart. 5 relaxing music themes.
by paulhallart .
5 Symphonies by Paul A. L. Hall, symphonies 5 through 9, plus Alaska slide show - 1,657 photos
by paulhallart .
The Path of Waterfalls -- Digitized Native American Flute by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
The Voyage Dear (Full Album) -- Paul A. L. Hall's 10th Symphony (paulhallart).
by paulhallart .
Deep Bass Harmonica 02 (Full Album) -- C maj. Blues Band at minus 48 percent pitch.
by paulhallart .
In Case you Forget -- modification 00. Harmonica solo, photos, art, & melody by Paul A. L. Hall.
by paulhallart .
Christmas Carol Medleys, album 01 (harmonica by paulhallart).
by paulhallart .
Deep Moods -- 3 Songs. Harmonica & pipes solos by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Around the Great Lakes -- Paul A. L. Hall's 11th symphony.
by paulhallart .
Across The U.S.A. - The New Hampshire to California Drive -- Paul A. L. Hall's 12th Symphony.
by paulhallart .
The California to Alaska Drive -- Paul A. L. Hall's 13th Symphony
by paulhallart .
Big Stranger is Watching You -- "1984", but now in Blue (by Paul A.L. Hall -- paulhallart)
by paulhallart .
Tools ARE Primitive -- by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart ...
by paulhallart .
Captain Nid -- The National Intelligence Director & the "Nidrod Scenario"
by paulhallart .
An American Foreign Legion -- will we jump in again? It's an at-it-etude ...
by paulhallart .
The Alaska to California Drive - Paul A. L. Hall's 14th Symphony
by paulhallart .
Computerized Candy Land -- it's party time in Drizzle City ...
by paulhallart .
Accommodation - A Key to Prosperity -- ignored by dying burgs dead-ended into a failed state?
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 6 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 7 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul Hall). Relaxing music.
by paulhallart .
Fracking and GasLand -- A GasLand documentary review, by Paul Hall
by paulhallart .
5 Symphonies by Paul A. L. Hall, symphonies 10 through 14, plus continent slide show - 1,659 photos
by paulhallart .
Native American Wooden Flute, part 03: Star Walker. By paulhallart. Full Album.
by paulhallart .
Native American Wooden Flute, part 04: Star Dancer. By paulhallart. Full Album.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 8 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul Hall). Relaxing music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 9 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul Hall). Relaxing music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 10 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul Hall). Relaxing music.
by paulhallart .
"A Small Alaska Town", quintuple album -- photos&music by Paul A. L. Hall. 5 relaxing music themes.
by paulhallart .
"'Cross North America Wide" - An Alaska/Florida drive -- Paul A. L. Hall's 15th Symphony in G major.
by paulhallart .
Extreme Tides - melody by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
Extreme and violent tides along the Northwest Coast of North America and the Inside Passage of Alaska among the myriad Islands just off the coast.
Part 6 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ......
Part 6 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ......
Avalanche Slope - melody by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart
A music interlude on a view of a rather violent avalanche slope on a mountain on the Inside Passage Marine Highway founded by former late Senator Stephens of Alaska ...
Part 5 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ......
Part 5 in this series of easy listening relaxing melody on harmonica and guitar. Views of the mountains and islands of The Inside Passage in Alaska. Photograph and music By Paul A. L. Hall ......
Thursday, July 9, 2015
The paulhallart Show 42. By Paul Hall [14A1-010614].
The paulhallart Show 42. By Paul Hall [14A1-010614].
by paulhallart .30 videos
by paulhallart .30 videos
Welcome to The Paul Hall Art show 42, by me, Paul A. L. Hall. This PHA Show is from September 20, 2013 to January 6, 2014 (designation 14A1 is the year, the quarter of that year, and which month in that quarter of the last or most recent video in this show). Bringing to you the best of Paul Hall Art, in an effort to contribute to and enrich the lives of as many people in as many places as possible.
Videos in The paulhallart Show 42:
A Small Alaska Town, 5 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 4 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 3 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 2 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 1 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
Christmas Carol Medleys, album 02 (harmonica by paulhallart), 2 hours of music.
by paulhallart .
Steam Locomotive Arrives -- Music & photography by Paul Hall of paulhallart ...
by paulhallart .
Christmas Nights -- O Holy Night & Silent Night ... Harmonica by Paul.
by paulhallart .
Navidad -- Christmas Carols & Songs - harmonica, part 01, 3-D capable, click "gear" icon.
by paulhallart .
The "Four Planets" harmonica concerto -- by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Native American Wooden Flute, part 02: Pathways. By Paul Hall of paulhallart. Full Album.
by paulhallart .
"The Path of the Flute" -- Native American flute by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Star Walker -- Native American flute by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Neon Red by Paul Hall (live at Tormented Valley, Canada -- near the Alaskan border).
by paulhallart .
Mountain Train Station
by paulhallart .
Tormented Valley (full album) -- photos&music (8th Symphony) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Maiden Chooses Path -- Native American flute by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Flying over Mountains (full album) -- photos&music (7th Symphony) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Rain Forest -- Paul A. L. Hall's 6th Symphony, with a 70-photo of Alaska old-growth rain forest
by paulhallart .
Christmas Medleys, A Capella & Solos, album 01 (harmonica&pipes by paulhallart).
by paulhallart .
Tall Grass Whispering Strength -- Native American flute by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Train Ride Through Mountains (full album) -- photography&music by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains (full double album) -- photography&music by Paul Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 14 -- photography & music by Paul Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 13 -- photos & music by Paul Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 12 -- photography & musc by Paul Hall of paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 11 -- photography & musc by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 10 -- photography & musc by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 09 -- photography & musc by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountians 08 -- photography & musc by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 4 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 3 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 2 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
A Small Alaska Town, 1 (digital art, photography & harmonica by Paul). Relaxing Background music.
by paulhallart .
Christmas Carol Medleys, album 02 (harmonica by paulhallart), 2 hours of music.
by paulhallart .
Steam Locomotive Arrives -- Music & photography by Paul Hall of paulhallart ...
by paulhallart .
Christmas Nights -- O Holy Night & Silent Night ... Harmonica by Paul.
by paulhallart .
Navidad -- Christmas Carols & Songs - harmonica, part 01, 3-D capable, click "gear" icon.
by paulhallart .
The "Four Planets" harmonica concerto -- by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Native American Wooden Flute, part 02: Pathways. By Paul Hall of paulhallart. Full Album.
by paulhallart .
"The Path of the Flute" -- Native American flute by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Star Walker -- Native American flute by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Neon Red by Paul Hall (live at Tormented Valley, Canada -- near the Alaskan border).
by paulhallart .
Mountain Train Station
by paulhallart .
Tormented Valley (full album) -- photos&music (8th Symphony) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Maiden Chooses Path -- Native American flute by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Flying over Mountains (full album) -- photos&music (7th Symphony) by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Rain Forest -- Paul A. L. Hall's 6th Symphony, with a 70-photo of Alaska old-growth rain forest
by paulhallart .
Christmas Medleys, A Capella & Solos, album 01 (harmonica&pipes by paulhallart).
by paulhallart .
Tall Grass Whispering Strength -- Native American flute by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Train Ride Through Mountains (full album) -- photography&music by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains (full double album) -- photography&music by Paul Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 14 -- photography & music by Paul Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 13 -- photos & music by Paul Hall of paulhallart.
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 12 -- photography & musc by Paul Hall of paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 11 -- photography & musc by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 10 -- photography & musc by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountains 09 -- photography & musc by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
Gliding Past Mountians 08 -- photography & musc by paulhallart
by paulhallart .
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