Thursday, May 29, 2014

For Dreamers. Original song by Paul Hall (paulhallart) ...

For Dreamers. Original song by Paul Hall (paulhallart) ...

Velvet in a petal in a blossom rare and fair will, for dreamers of another world, be willing to "declare"...  Only "dreamers" can see the brightest color among the flowers: the ultra violet of the "white" blossom.  And with this they share the joy of the universe with their sisters, the bees.  The mall with it's emphasis on apparel, has lost the lessons of the flower.  No robes of opulence are like the blossom which all see.

People are speeding to lifelessness in a wholesale manor.  The very flowers speak but preoccupation with the mundane has  deafened the ears of those who have become heedless.

The poetry was written in an old hotel in Brisbane, Australia, in 1986,  and was put to music a year later in Auckland, New Zealand.  I call it "Velvet in a Petal", but it was called "For Dreamers,  not the Deafened Ear" and for this video, let's just call it "For Dreamers".

The visual for this video is from the first of my digital work, done in Claremont, New Hampshire in 2002. The series, in ten parts, is called "Flowers by a New Hampshire Forrest".  This is part one.

---------the words-----------------

Velvet in a petal on a blossom rare and fair will, for dreamers of another world, be willing to declare that youth will never die someday, when timeless doeth reign; and when beginnings never end and gone is all disdain.

-------------  But now, the petal's crying plea no solaced ear will lend to those who, by excessive speeds, destructive paths do wend to any place of lifelessness, where nevermore they'll hear the petal's softly crying plea upon their deafened ear.

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