Sunday, November 29, 2015

Winter Bird over Snow Melody by Paul Hall on the Native American flute

at a time when life is hard, this bird gliding over snows can cheer us up.  Native American Flute by Paul Hall.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

1,464 paulhallart Videos by Paul A. L. Hall

All the paulhallart videos until now (November of 2015), originals, blogs, and covers by me, Paul A. L. Hall -- 7 years of Youtube uploads -- all on one continuous playlist. One thousand, four hundred and sixty-four so far -- vocals, spoken word, guitar, harmonica, Pan Pipe, Native American Flute, piano, keyboard, and a couple where I use my hands as a musical instrument. Several on location in places such as the White Pass in Alaska and so on. Slideshows feature my photography and paintings ...

Friday, November 6, 2015

Art by Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart

The art of Paul A. L. Hall of paulhallart on Youtube and Hi Paulhallart on Facebook.  My struggle to depict and discover on the painted canvas and sketch pad over time battling poverty, rejection, unpopularity.  The slide shows are accompanied by my own original songs and also covers ...